Roadside Monster Company
“Too big and ugly to miss!!!”
News How & Why Pricing eBay More Pictures Be a Bigfoot Salesman! Contact us
Know someone who would like to buy one of these?? Earn some cash by being a BIGFOOT SALESMAN!
Now don’t rush out and buy yourself a checked suit, but I am paying a referral fee to people who help me get these sold:
The Roadside Monster Company will pay a 10% referral fee to anyone who refers a client that buys a Roadside Monster directly from us.
The referral fee is limited to one person per sale, and the person has to be verified with the buyer that he/she did refer him. The referral fee is paid after delivery and payment. The referral fee is 10% of the sales price; not including any taxes, shipping, handling or installation fees. That means the fee is also 10% of any options that the buyer may order also.
Offer good till availability of monsters is gone.
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