Roadside Monster Company
“Too big and ugly to miss!!!”
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This page is for links to any news stories concerning the Roadside Monster.
December 30, 2006
Roadside Monster Company started with the idea of a large fiberglass bigfoot sign holder for the side of the road.
December to October 2007
Development of the plug, molds and first production models. (see How and Why)
September 28, 29, 30 2007
Ranchita Rocks Festival – We displayed two just-completed (less hands) prototypes.
I made a picture page of Ranchita Rocks 2007. Here’s the link:
October 10, 2007
Thanks J. Harry for my first news article in the San Diego Union did a story on our monsters, here’s the link:
October 29, 2007
Thanks Loren Coleman for any excellent link of his outstanding site!!! Here’s the link:
December 15th, 2007
The first completed monster is born, named later Rancheti: the Ranchita Yeti.
January 5, 2008
Press release on the first sale of Roadside Monster, we delivered it today. Here’s the link:
January 24, 2008
Article in the local Borrego Sun newspaper and feedback from our locals. Be careful, this is a large file (3.8 mb) Here’s the link:
April 4, 2008
The San Diego Weekly reader has a puzzle for residents of the county and the big guy is in the middle of it! Here’s the link:
May 18, 2008
Robert Krier of the San Diego Union writes a nice story on us!!! Here’s the link:
June 9, 2008
Coast to Coast, the great AM night time radio show had our picture on its page and a small note. Here’s the link:
August 15th, 2008
The second completed monster is born, named Larry, he’s the world first surfing Yeti.
September 5th, 2008
The third completed monster is born, named Bell Bottom Blues, he’s a left-handed bass playing Sasquatch!.
September 12-14, 2008
Ranchita Rocks, a local 3 day benefit to help preserve the back country was attended by two of my boys. Here’s a picture page of Ranchita Rocks 2008:
October 2, 2008
Another picture of one of our boys in the local Borrego Sun newspaper. Be careful, this is a large file (3.8 mb) Here’s the link:
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